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发布时间:2017-12-14 编辑: 来源:

时间:2017 20171214  10:00-11:30


SpeakerDr. WeimingShenPhD, FIEEE, EFIC, P.Eng



Title: Agent-Based CollaborativeTechnologies and Systems


Abstract: Agenttechnology represents a new paradigm for developing industrial softwareapplications. During the past two decades, a significant number of researchersand practitioners have been trying to apply intelligent software agents in theareas of engineering design, intelligent manufacturing, supply chainmanagement, and virtual enterprises. Under the context of these areas, an agentcan be defined as a software system that communicates and cooperates with othersoftware systems to solve a complex problem that is beyond the capability ofeach individual software system. Intelligent software agents can be used to encapsulate existing software systems torealize legacy systems integration, represent manufacturing resources (e.g.,operators, machines, robots, and cells) to implement distributed manufacturingprocess planning, scheduling and execution control, and to representorganizations to facilitate collaboration, coordination, and negotiation. Thistalk presents some first-hand experience in developing agent-basedcollaborative technologies and systems, and discusses future trends, R&Dopportunities and challenges. Sample applications presented in this talkinclude: collaborative mechanical engineering design; multidisciplinary designoptimization; agent-based robotic painting; and shop floor materials handling.Recent work on the integration of Wires Sensor Networks, Internet of Things,Bid Data, Blockchains, and Intelligent Agents is also presented, withapplications to Smart Homes and Intelligent Buildings.


Bio: Dr. Weiming Shen is a Senior ResearchScientist at the National Research Council Canada and an Adjunct Professor atthe University of Western Ontario and McMaster University. He is aDistinguished Lecturer of the IEEE SMC Society, Fellow of IEEE,Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), and Professional Engineer ofOntario (PEO). He received his Bachelor and Master’s degrees from Northern(Beijing) Jiaotong University, China and his PhD degree from the University ofTechnology of Compiègne, France. He is an internationally-recognized expert onAgent-Based Collaborative Technologies and Applications. He has publishedseveral books and over 450 papers in scientific journals and internationalconferences in the related areas. His work has been cited over 10,000 timeswith an h-index of 47. He has been invited to provide over 90 invitedlectures/seminars at different academic and research institutions over theworld and keynote presentations/ tutorials at various international conferences.He is a member of the Steering Committee for the IEEE Transactions on AffectiveComputing and an Associate Editor or Editorial Board Member of over teninternational journals (including IEEE Transactions on Automation Science andEngineering; IEEE Transaction on SMC: Systems; IEEE SMC Magazine; AdvancedEngineering Informatics; Computational Intelligence; Intelligent BuildingsInternational; Service Computing and Applications) and served as guest editorfor several other international journals. He is the Co-Chair of the IEEETechnical Committee on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, has beenProgram Committee Co-Chair of the CSCWD conferences since 2001, and served asChair/Co-Chair or Program Committee member for over 100 international conferences.


地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






