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发布时间:2016-09-27 编辑: 来源:

时间:2016927 14:00

地点:办公楼 202会议室

Title: Privacy-Preserving and SecureCryptographic Schemes for Wireless Applications


    With the development ofwireless technologies, the wireless applications have gained tremendousattention. However, security and privacy issues are crucial in almost wirelessapplications. How to protect the user's data security and privacy to meet therequirement of certain wireless applications? It is a big challenge problem. Inthis talk, I will present two works, which are based on cryptographicmechanisms, to protect data security and privacy in wireless applications.

     In the first works, weconsider a special type of multicast communications existing in many emergingapplications such as smart grids, social networks, and body area networks, inwhich the multicast destinations are specified by an access structure definedby the data source based on a set of attributes and carried by the multicastmessage. A challenging issue is to secure these multicast communications toaddress the prevalent security and privacy concerns, i.e., to provide accesscontrol, data encryption, and authentication to ensure message integrity andconfidentiality. To achieve this objective,  we develops a Signcryptionscheme called CP_ABSC based on Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption(CP_ABE) to address the prevalent security and privacy concerns in multicastcommunications. The scheme provides access control, data encryption, andauthentication to ensure message integrity and confidentiality. 

     Many applications suchas smart metering and location based services pose strong privacy requirementsbut achieving privacy protection at the client side is a non-trial problem aspayment for the services must be computed by the server at the end of eachbilling period. In the second work, we proposes a privacy preservation andbilling scheme termed PPDIR based on delayed information release. PPDIR relieson a novel group signature mechanism and the asymmetric Rabin cryptosystem toprotect the privacy of the clients and their requests, to achieveaccountability and non-repudiation, and to shift the computational complexityto the server side. We theoretically prove that the proposed schemes cansimultaneously achieve privacy-preservation, non-repudiation, andaccountability.


Bio: ChunqiangHu received his B.S. degree in Computer Science and Technology from SouthwestUniversity, Chongqing, China, in 2006. He received his M.S degree and firstPh.D. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Chongqing University,Chongqing, China, in 2009 and 2013, respectively. He was a visiting scholar atThe George Washington University from Jan., 2011 to Dec., 2011. He obtained hissecond Doctorate degree in Computer Science, The George Washington University,Washington DC in April, 2016. He has published more than 20 papers invarious journals and conferences, including IEEE JSAC, IEEE TPDS, IEEETMSCS, IEEE TCC, Theoretical Computer Science, and IEEE INFOCOM, etc. He wonthe Best Paper Award in ACM PAMCO 2016. His research interests include appliedcryptography, big data security and privacy, privacy-preserving computation,wireless and mobile security, and algorithm design and analysis. He is a memberof IEEE and ACM.


地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






