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香港理工大学Man Lung Yiu博士学术报告

发布时间:2015-05-23 编辑: 来源:


Speaker: Dr. Man Lung Yiu,

Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Time14:00-15:30, May 23


Venue: Room 310, Second Floor, Office Building,

Software Campus


Title: Query Optimization over Cloud Data Market


Abstract: In this talk, we present our recent work about query optimization on data market (published in EDBT 2015). Data market is an emerging type of cloud service that enables a data owner to sell their data sets in a public cloud. Buyers who are interested in a certain dataset can access the data in the market via a RESTful API. Accessing data in the data market may not be free. Therefore, we present PayLess, a system that helps data buyers to optimize their queries so that they can obtain the query results by paying less to the data sellers. Experiments over synthetic data and real data sets in Windows Azure Marketplace show that PayLess can cost-effectively handle SQL query processing over data markets.


Bio: Man Lung Yiu received the bachelor's degree in computer engineering and the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Hong Kong in 2002 and 2006, respectively. Prior to his current post, he worked at Aalborg University for three years starting in the fall of 2006. He is now an assistant professor in the Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research focuses on the management of complex data, in particular query processing topics on spatiotemporal data and multidimensional data.



地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






